Creating Feathers in Fabric Collage

Creating Feathers in Fabric Collage

February 1, 2020

Birds are a popular subject for my fabric collage students. And why not? They are bright and bold and beautiful. They present a unique challenge, however. What do birds have … Read More

When Is My Fabric Collage Quilt Done?

When Is My Fabric Collage Quilt Done?

January 18, 2020

Making a fabric collage quilt—it can go on forever. There is no ribbon stretched across the finish line to break through when your quilt is done. Maybe you’re a perfectionist—I … Read More

Fabric Collage Finish Line: Portraits

Fabric Collage Finish Line: Portraits

January 11, 2020

Portraits are tough. Doesn’t matter which medium you use—oils, watercolors, crayons, charcoal or fabric—depicting a person is a huge challenge. Ellen Parrott with her “Flower Girl” above, has tried at … Read More