Hang It Up: Making Your Art Quilt Art

Hang It Up: Making Your Art Quilt Art

August 26, 2017

Your quilt is done! Congratulations. Now it’s ready to prepare for display. This is not a trivial step. Originally, quilts were utilitarian—they were designed and constructed to be used. They were a craft. … Read More

To Tulle or Not to Tulle

To Tulle or Not to Tulle

August 5, 2017

Ahh, a sweet summer breeze lifting the sheer curtains (I can hear Seals and Crofts now)…. Wait! Could I use a bit of those curtains in my collage?! I have, and … Read More

Quilt Stories: Thread Drawing

Quilt Stories: Thread Drawing

July 29, 2017

Thirty-two years ago this week, while visiting Maine (and still living in Maryland), I met and had my first date with my (future) husband, Tom. I met him at his … Read More

Summer in Maine

Summer in Maine

July 22, 2017

Summer in Maine is brief. Despite what the calendar says, summer pretty much starts on July 4 and is over on Labor Day. Because of its brevity, I schedule my teaching so … Read More