Get in Line: Skinny Lines in Fabric Collage

Get in Line: Skinny Lines in Fabric Collage

April 21, 2018

At some point in every fabric collage quilt, typically as you’re adding those final details, you’ll need to add a little thin line to your piece. Whether it is in order to outline a feature or as part of the feature itself, such as laugh lines around an mouth, these little details add a lot but are sometimes frustrating to manage. How do you cut a line so thin that you can barely pick it up and glue it down?

Eye Spy: Using Novelty Prints in Fabric Collage

Eye Spy: Using Novelty Prints in Fabric Collage

March 31, 2018

What types of fabrics do you use for fabric collage? I am often asked that question. It would probably be easier to answer the opposite of that question: What types of fabrics don’t I use for fabric collage? I use them all, if appropriate. But what about novelty fabrics? Do I use them? Oh, yes. All the time.

The Finish Line: Margaret Jessop

The Finish Line: Margaret Jessop

March 24, 2018

It’s time for another entry in my Finish Line series of blog posts. This week I feature just one student, Margaret Jessop of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I first met Margaret in Canmore, Alberta, years ago when I was teaching there at a shop called The Sugar Pine Company. She also has taken classes from me in Kalispell, Montana (at the Quilt Gallery) and we recently renewed our acquaintance in Calgary a few weeks ago when I taught a private class there.