Announcing My 2019 Teaching Schedule

Announcing My 2019 Teaching Schedule

July 21, 2018

2019 Teaching Schedule Since almost every teaching location listed is one I’ve been to before, I included links to past blog posts from those venues, so you’ll have more than enough … Read More

On the Road: Morro Bay, CA, and the Seven Sisters Quilt Show, June 2018

On the Road: Morro Bay, CA, and the Seven Sisters Quilt Show, June 2018

July 14, 2018

Definition of morro: a rounded hill or promontory.

Definition of Morro Rock: a volcanic plug, or lava dome, in Morro Bay, CA, dating from the Oligocene epoch (from 27 to 23 million years ago). From what I understand, it’s the last volcanic plug (the lava rock leftover when the volcano itself crumbles) in a range running inland—seven of them in fact—hence the origin of the name for the Seven Sisters Quilt Show.