Last October 2023, I hosted a Live Online Fabric Collage Class solely for advanced students in fabric collage. It was the second such class—the first being a portraits only online class earlier in June—experiments of sorts that totally succeeded. I say experiments since I hadn’t yet offered this sort of focus in an online class.

I was looking to take students already experienced in the basics of fabric collage to higher levels based on their individual needs and goals—such as Nancy Hayes and her Baltimore orioles (detail above). I did this by reducing the size of the classes in order to give time and attention to the sorts of subjects and questions generated when an individual is ready to push themselves and their understanding of this collage process even farther. The results and comments from students told Tom and I that this class idea works.

This year, again in June, will be another such online class, with open choice of subject matter. If you feel you are at an intermediate or advanced level in fabric collage and are interested in applying, please see the registration instructions below.

But in any case, I’m sure you’ll enjoy browsing this week’s 2-part Throwback posts (the Angels and the Devils) to see the impressive work that was created during that one week last October.

Susan Carlson 5-Day Live Online Class
June 3-7, 2024

Intermediate and Advanced levels
Maximum Class Size: 8
Price: $1,495

To Register: This class is for students experienced with the fabric collage technique as I teach it. You should already have a grasp of the fundamentals of fabric collage, preferably through taking a couple prior classes with me, or possibly having worked through the Master Class or other eWorkshop. Please submit your registration request to Tom ( and he will send you the link to register or ask for further information. Thank you.

NOT On the Road: October 2023 Live Online Class Part 1: Susan’s Angels

NOT On the Road: October 2023 Live Online Fabric Collage Class Part 2—Tom’s Devils

Live Online Fabric Collage Classes

Five day classes with Susan that immerse you in fabric collage—in the comfort of your own home and surrounded by your own fabric stash. Join and learn from other students as everyone embarks on their own journeys creating an image of their choice in fabric. Beginners will learn the technique of fabric collage including the theory of choosing and blending colors based on pattern and value. Those with experience will further hone their fabric collage skills.

Options available for beginner through advanced levels—animals only and open subject classes available February and June, 2024


For a thorough explanation of what a Live Online Class is about, see this post: First Live Online Fabric Collage Class Results.

Gift Cards Now Available for Any Product
or Class Purchased Through Susan’s Website

Gifts cards are available in six designs for any amount and can be applied as a “coupon” to reduce the price of a larger purchase—or towards a smaller purchase with a remaining balance to be used at a later date.


For more information, click here.

Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Spiral eWorkshop

Wondering if fabric collage is for you? This playful eWorkshop, though intended for beginners, is suitable for all levels, with lifetime access. The spiral project teaches the basic techniques of fabric collage and is simple and low stress. However, it also serves as a handy refresher course for those with more experience.

Why does a spiral make a great project for fabric collage? Find out in my post The Under-Appreciated Fabric Collage Spiral. The Spiral eWorkshop is included as an exercise in the Fabric Collage Master Class. Get a taste of the process, then if you decide to buy the Master Class you’ll get the full $25 cost back as credit toward the purchase.


Fabric Collage Online Master Class

The Susan Carlson Fabric Collage Online Master Class Manual is a multi-media resource guide to the process of fabric collage. Using video, photos, text, and links to my blog posts for further relevant reading and information, I take you from beginning to end in creating your own fabric collage masterpiece, following my guidelines in a step-by-step format. Lifetime Access. Suitable for all levels, including beginners.

Read all about the process of creating the Master Class—explanation of its genesis—the whys and hows Tom and I made some of the decisions we did in this post: Online Master Class Now Available: Some Reflections.


Facial Features eWorkshop

Designed as a supplement to the Fabric Collage Online Master Class, or for those who have a good understanding of the basics of Fabric Collage. Lifetime Access. Intermediate or advanced levels suggested.

The Facial Features eWorkshop contains 8 videos and over 8 hours of in-depth instruction for creating each feature of a portrait in fabric. The videos are annotated with “Jump Points” allowing you to scan forward and backward to the information you need. Facial features PDF templates are included as reference and basic designs to work along with. Like the Fabric Collage Online Master Class, membership in this eWorkshop is for life.


Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Sea Turtle eWorkshop

Learn fabric collage through a start-to-finish project—from pattern and fabric selection through quilting and binding. Each step is clearly written, illustrated with photos, and further demonstrated with videos. Learn the technique with a Sea Turtle then launch into any fabric collage project you wish. Lifetime access and suitable for all levels, including beginners. Sea Turtle Pattern included

Read all about the Sea Turtle eWorkshop in this blog post: Fabric Collage Sea Turtle eWorkshop Launch.


Book: Serendipity Quilts—Cutting Loose Fabric Collage 

Full color throughout. Five projects of increasing complexity, four patterns to enlarge are included.

These books will be signed by Susan and can be inscribed to a particular person.

Read more about Serendipity Quilts!


Susan Carlson Patterns

Sent directly to recipient’s computer, these are line drawings that work well with the book, Serendipity Quilts or the Fabric Collage Online Master Class. Select desired design(s) and check email to print a PDF to have enlarged at a local copy shop.


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