As Tom and I were reviewing in-progress fabric collage images and testimonials from former Live Online Class students for this post, we were reminded which features have made the classes successful. To be honest, we were sometimes surprised and pleased at what our students said. We put a lot of thought into designing the Online classes as we have, and it’s always satisfying to hear when you’ve reached a goal you’ve set. Below, you’ll be able to read testimonials from a few past students, to hear directly from them what they have found useful in this type of class—thank you to all who took the time to write out such thoughtful replies.

A reminder that there are still two spots remaining in the next Monday-Friday, May 29-June 2 Live Online Fabric Collage class!

At the beginning of the Student In-Progress Fabric Collage section, you’ll be treated to one finished quilt—that of Kallie the tiger by Judy Bilardillo (in-progress photo from Judy above)—a quilt that will be auctioned in a fundraiser in just two weeks on May 20th! More info below.

But first, here’s a brief description of the most popular features of our Live Online Fabric Collage Classes.

Pre-Class Coaching Sessions

In pre-class coaching with Janet Wilson, November 2022, we were able to discuss the various photos of her service dog, Flower. It’s sometimes hard to choose when there’s a lot of good options. This way, we could look at the pros and cons of each so Janet could select one and have her drawing made before class began.

Before we ever gather all together in Zoom each student receives a one-on-one coaching session. This is to ensure that the student is comfortable with the format—the Zoom platform, how to send in photos, and how to take screen shots of my annotations—and to ensure that the student’s subject, pattern, and fabric choices are ready for them to start on day one of class. So class time is not used up with technical issues, or figuring out they don’t have a good selection of fabrics to get started with, or that their design should be redrawn or enlarged to a different percentage.

These pre-class coaching sessions used to be private. For the last couple of classes, however, we have made them open to anyone in that particular class who would like to listen in on the guidance I am giving—especially if two or more students have similar subjects, this can be helpful. These coaching sessions are usually held over the course of three days the week prior to class. This gives everyone time to act on any photo, fabric, or pattern suggestions I may make.

Daily Video Presentations

One variation we added after the first couple of classes is that I have recorded what used to be in-class demonstrations of the basic steps of the fabric collage technique. Rather than take an hour of class time at the beginning of each class day to give a live demo, I have recorded those demonstrations on how to cut and glue, how to add details, how to approach the backgrounds, and so forth—even an hour-long video demonstrating a detailed way to approach construction of a dog’s nose.

This allows all students to view the videos on their own time, in their own time zone. Then, each class morning, I ask if there are any questions regarding the one to three demo videos for that day’s topic. This makes our time together more efficient and allows me to transition earlier in the day to giving one-on-one help.

The daily presentation videos are for students to keep even after the class has ended. Week-long classes are great in that there’s a concentration of time to really get a feel for the technique of fabric collage. But still, they’re only five days, and I’m sharing information I’ve learned over three decades. You can only absorb so much in a week. By making the daily videos accessible “forever,” it takes the pressure off students to remember (for instance) final finishing techniques when they’re still in the first draft stage (which is usually the case). Even months or years down the road, the information will still be there for review.

Breakout Rooms

A breakout room from January 2023, the Wild Things: left to right, top to bottom—Judy Bilardello (and me); Kathleen Howard and Janet Delsener; and Reva Hill.

We use breakout rooms to separate students into groups rather than keeping everyone in one large meeting. It’s too much to listen to eleven other people and the feed-back I give each one, all day long. So we typically break the class into three breakout rooms. A couple of variations we’ve adopted along the way have made breakout rooms even more useful.

First of all, we try to group people by subject, such as in the “Wild Things,” a self-named breakout room group pictured above. You can see by the end-of-week collages behind the ladies, that two of the subjects were lions. So to start, I grouped Janet and Reva together. By listening in as I discuss one of the lions, they may pick up tips for their own. This idea of similar subjects is usually how the rooms are designated.

However, another consideration for breakout rooms is friends that attend the class together, of course they’d want to be in the same room regardless of their subjects—it’s like sitting next to each other in class. That was the case with Judy and Kathleen, also above. Judy’s Kallie the tiger subject went well with the lions, so another breakout room was set up—and Kathleen’s coyote was surly enough to hold his own in a room full of big cats.

Another addition to online classes is that we now show students how they can temporarily move from room to room throughout the day. For instance, if they want to listen in as I visit another group, they can do that on their own with the click of a couple Zoom buttons. Kinda like strolling around the online classroom.

Annotation and Screen Shots

I communicate to my students using video and voice but by far the most useful tool is annotation. Zoom’s annotation feature allows me to draw directly onto the image the student sends to me. I can circle, emphasize, draw lines, point out fabrics I think will be useful—basically do everything except pick up the fabric and scissors and cut it myself (though that is one extra thing students sometimes wish I could do).

Most students take screen shots of the annotated photos to refer to later—some even print them out to pin on their pinning board—like a checklist of points to work on before I make my way back to them. There is also the option of recording their individual sessions for review later on their own devices.

This screen shot from November 2022, shows how I was able to point out patterns in Leigh McMorrow’s fabrics that I thought may be helpful for the very hairy contours of her Highland coo “Rosette.”

A reminder—two spaces available in this month’s Live Online class

May 2023 Live Online Fabric Collage Class

You are invited to join me via Zoom for a 5-Day Live Online Fabric Collage Class. This class is for all levels of fabric collage proficiency, from beginner to advanced.

Subject matter is animal subjects—furred, feathered, or scaled—pets, exotic animals, birds, insects, sea life, sea slugs, whatever type of animal appeals to you.

• Five-Day Live Online Fabric Collage Class—Animals Only

May 29-June 2, 2023

Class size: 12 max—all levels

2 Spots Remaining (as of May 3)

Price: $995 per student

Register and pay here:

I have included an update of the number of spots available and will do my best to keep it updated as it changes. If you find on the registration page that the class has sold out and would like to be placed on a waitlist, please email Tom ( Thank you.

Included: Forty-five minute private pre-class coaching session to prepare you for Day One of class.

Required Class Fee: $169 for the Fabric Collage Master Class—an online resource “manual” to refer to before, during, and after class—yours for life ($199 regular price; contact tom@tomallenbooks for coupon code for discount. This fee is waived if you already own the Master Class)

Hardware and Software Requirements: Computer, tablet, or other larger-screen device; reliable internet; ability to photograph and send images of collage in progress (a cellphone is recommended); Zoom meeting software (free to download)

See link below for more information.

About the Student In-Progress Fabric Collages

With the special date-related exception of Kallie the tiger quilt immediately below, the following images show Live Online student projects as they were near the end of a 5-day class. Almost all of the following students have sent in images of their now finished quilts, but for the purpose of this post, I wanted you to see and appreciate the progress they made in class. Because of the complexity of this fabric collage technique, these aren’t projects that will be finished in one week.

One of the reasons why I like the Live Online version of a class is that I can provide students with so much more information in the form of the daily video presentations, annotations, and the Fabric Collage Master class—all will help them to be successful completing the project on their own.

Judy Bilardello—January 2023

A special note: With permission from Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Judy set out to make a fabric collage of Kallie, a tiger who was rescued from an abandoned roadside zoo in Oklahoma. Kallie is now receiving much needed medical care and will live out her life in an open space environment 45 minutes from San Diego. Kallie is a survivor and Judy wanted this fabric collage to honor her and celebrate her. But Judy also intended this to be a donation quilt to a fundraising auction on May 20th for Lions Tigers and Bears, an animal rescue organization. Judy’s amazing fabric collage quilt is now finished and has been delivered! 

For sale to highest bidder—”Kallie” by Judy Bilardello

It was very hard for Judy to part with this work of art that she put hundreds of hours into making, but she is determined for it to help support such a good new home for Kallie and for so many other exotic animals who had been neglected and abused in captivity. You can learn more about the real-life Kallie’s story and you can even bid online at the Wild in the Country Fundraiser to win this wild portrait quilt! Judy has been told the link will be provided 2 days prior to the auction on May 20th, 2-6pm Pacific time, but please check out the link above for more information!


From Judy:

Susan and Tom have a system in place that melds technology and artwork nearly flawlessly. They are quite a team! Each individual session with Susan is designed so that she can annotate directly on a photo of your work as she describes what she sees as next steps or helps trouble shoot whatever needs attention. I record each session and use it as a reference as I progress.There is so much valuable information!


An advantage of taking a Susan Carlson class on line, is the convenience of being in your own studio or sewing room. All your supplies are readily available and your fabric stash can be revisited whenever you need to find just the right fabric piece for the detail you are working on. There is also the advantage of talking with quilters from California to Scotland. How fun is that!

Grace Crocker—November 2022

From Grace:

I am a retired Human Resources manager and was responsible for developing training material. I know good instruction. Your online class was definitely a “ten out of ten!” It was obvious that you spent many hours developing the format. The “Steps” were well organized, the written material was clear and concise, and the videos were perfect. Susan’s ability to give instant feedback and direction was unbelievable. She had no time to study our photos but saw every little change we had made and gave direction and annotations, as needed. It was invaluable to have my own work critiqued and to watch as she directed the others in our room.


I just spent a week, in my own home, getting fabulous instruction in Susan Carlson’s online collage class. I didn’t have to choose the fabrics I needed to take with me. Yes, I prepared a palette for class, but my own stash was always available for more. A pre-class coaching session with Susan was an added benefit. I didn’t have to make reservations for travel, housing or eating. Lots of money saved, more fabric dollars available! I was barefoot or slippered for the entire class! And … I didn’t have to wear a mask!


I would be remiss if I did not compliment Susan and Tom on their fabulous teamwork. Several decades of loving and living together shows in their work. Tom handles the technical side, dealing with both Susan’s needs and her students, and this allows Susan to concentrate on the class and specific student needs. It works seamlessly. Three cheers for the team! —Grace Crocker

Faith McLeod—January 2022

From Faith:

We are officially living in a new era where traveling to do a five day workshop is risky and could have a high potential of being cancelled at the last minute. For this reason I chose to participate in Susan’s on line class. What fun we had! Pre-coaching session, access to ALL my fabric at home, social time with my classmates, and stellar screen time with Susan. She was able to “draw” right on my collage to show me how to improve my piece and I was able to save a screenshot to refer to later. Tom provided stellar tech support and kept us all on track. I give this experience five stars!

Rain Klepper—December 2021

From Rain:

Susan is an excellent and generous instructor, making all aspects of the collage process accessible regardless of where the student is on their art journey. The critiques are insightful and precise, with Susan making use of drawing technology to interact directly with my images of my piece by annotation. It was terrific to have these drawings as I continued to work. Every step of the way I have felt supported and inspired, in an elegantly simple and straightforward way. I feel seen at a level that is rare in a class, and I am grateful for the brilliance and kindness given throughout the class.

LeahGrace Kayler—May 2021

From LeahGrace:

What a gift this class is! I got to immerse myself in the learning process every day with similarly-dedicated fellow students, each of us on our own journeys, but all together. We don’t talk about it much, but there are many life lessons in working with Susan on fabric collage in this way. To name just a few examples, I’ve had to wrestle with my need for perfection, with feeling that it’s o.k. to cut into a prize piece of fabric because if I use it, I won’t have it anymore, and with trusting the unknown, like “ What happens if I use green fabrics to make my dog?”. Not that it’s all about challenges – there are tons of “oohs and aahs”, lots of laugh, and much good companioning in both small and large groups. Susan is the best of sherpas, while Tom maintains the base station admirably. I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to travel with them in this way.

Cathy HolmesSeptember 2021 and December 2021

From Cathy:

I felt your online presentation worked liked a well oiled machine. It seemed the timeline (initial teaching, working on ones own and meeting with Susan in the breakout rooms 2-3 times day) was just about right. I appreciated that Susan would show back up for panic moments to get one over the hump.

Sylvie Aguilar—September 2021

From Sylvie:

Having Susan draw on your pictures, sent to Tom ahead of time, is really helpful in visualizing where you need to be going. I always take a picture and then print it so I have a reference with me while I work. It also gives me a place to write notes before I forget and/or future questions I need to ask Susan at our next one on one meeting. The 2 sessions, morning and afternoon, have worked great for me. You get enough time in between the 2 sessions to work on a different section of your project and then get guidance on it from Susan to see if you are on the right track.

Nancy Greenaway—September 2021

From Nancy:

This was a wonderful gift I gave myself, and it was worth every minute and every dollar. This has changed my creative life, and I do not say this lightly. This is the best thing I have done for myself, personally, possibly ever. I feel like Susan’s online class is much more intense, and makes me treat it like my 100% job for the week. It is very immersive, intellectually and physically exhausting, yet invigorating and stimulating.  Classes in person, while fun, are more distracting and I get less achieved, plus it would be impossible to bring everything you need to a classroom. Plus, you can time out when you need a break, as opposed to set times.

Carol Allen-Mollgaard—September 2021

from Carol:

I recommend taking Susan Carlson’s online class. Working from home, I was able to attend to family matters, audition fabric from my own cache and work as early or late as I desired. On another side, it was much more economical for me. Paying for lodging, meals, buying additional fabric, travel costs and the class fee (did I mention buying more fabric?) all adds up. When I come to another bump in my collage journey, and I know I will, I have the option of submitting my collage to our Patreon live meetings for further feedback or booking a private session with Susan. I sincerely look forward to studying further with her.

Jean McCreary—April 2021

From Jean:

This was the most intense, individualized and successful learning experience for collage quilters I have ever taken, bar none. I am seeing my work in a whole new light, and I learned a lot that I wasn’t ready to apply to my in-class project that I anticipate being able to apply to future projects on my own.

Judy Nichols—March 2021

From Judy:

Susan is a wonderful teacher with a gentle, encouraging style that encourages and guides students to create work that is their own. She has an uncanny knack for seeing the smallest correction to drawing, fabric, or design and to demonstrate with annotations on the screen how and where changes are needed. With screenshots of this annotated feedback, we moved forward with clear understanding of what was needed to create our projects. I got far more accomplished during this week than I thought possible. It was a delight getting to know my fellow classmates in the breakout room, watching their pieces grow and change while sharing experiences and support for each other. I know it would be wonderful to attend an in-person learning experience with Susan Carlson, but until that happens, on-line is a great substitute.

Joan Malone—March 2021

From Joan:

Between prior consulting work and completing coursework in professional coaching I’ve had lots of online experience, both leading and attending sessions. I think you’ve done a phenomenal job of anticipating challenges and working to address all skill levels and learning styles. As a true hands on adult learner, I found this experience excellent.

Marie Wood—March 2021

From Marie:

I was particularly impressed that Susan and Tom called me the week before class to make sure I would have all I needed for the technical part of the class and then the personal Zoom meeting with Susan beforehand to make certain that I had a good pattern for my class piece before the course began. We were all ready from Day One to get the most out of the course as possible!

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