Yes! My book Serendipity Quilts: Cutting Loose Fabric Collage is back in print—and I received my first shipment two days ago! They look so good, crisp and shiny.

After years of being out-of-print (available only as print-on-demand copies), my publisher C&T has decided to reissue Serendipity Quilts. It’s rare that a book gets put back into print after being discontinued. I think you, my followers and readers, made it so with your continued demand for the book. In other words, you wouldn’t let it die.

Thank you very much.

This book was originally released in 2010. If I were to write it today it naturally would not be exactly the same. I’ve had eight years to learn more myself, especially in teaching so many of you. For instance, I’d have suggested bigger percentages for enlarging the included patterns—more design area to play with fabric!

But in any case, Serendipity Quilts remains a great introduction to fabric collage. It includes five different projects of increasing complexity. Plus it has a gallery of my quilts for inspiration.



Serendipity Quilts or Online Fabric Collage Master Class?

People ask me, what’s the difference between the book and the Master Class. Are they the same? Do they cover the same material? Which should I buy?

While there is an overlap in the material covered, how it is presented is very different. Some people like the physicalness of a book and they learn well that way. If that’s you, then Serendipity Quilts it is. If you learn well from video, images, and text combined through a computer, consider the Master Class. The book provides projects to complete, and like I said earlier, is a good introduction to fabric collage. The Master Class teaches the technique of fabric collage while keeping the subject for your quilt open for your choosing. The Master Class delves deeper into the collage process, using learning formats that are not possible for a print-only book.

Each has its advantages, so, of course, the best solution is to buy both. ; ) Use one or the other as your base source of material and use the other to supplement.

A Note on Inscriptions

I sign every book I sell with my name. If you want a personalized inscription for you or a friend (e.g., with “For Jane”), please specify that person’s name during the ordering process in the space provided in your Shopping Cart.

However, if your order to personalize a book arrives while I’m out-and-about teaching, it will of course, need to wait until I return home. For example, I leave this Sunday, September 9 and won’t be back until Tuesday, September 25, so if you’d want a personalized inscription in a book, you’d need to place your order by Saturday, or note if you are willing to wait until I get back.

But whenever I travel, my personal assistant (a.k.a. my multi-talented husband Tom) will be sure to get all other orders—and pre-signed books—out in a timely manner.

For Quilt Shops

If you would like to purchase Serendipity Quilts to sell in your shop, please contact the distributor directly:   or (800) 462-6420.


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