Surprise! Bet you didn’t expect to hear from me today.

I’m trying something new. It’s been two and a half years since I began writing this weekly blog. That’s a lot of posts. Sometimes it’s hard even for me to remember what topics have been covered. Which leads me to believe that new followers (and even long-time readers) may not be aware of some of the most useful and interesting blog posts of the past.

So, borrowing from a popular trend on social media, where people post old pictures of themselves, I’m instituting Throwback Thursday. This will give me a chance to go back and revisit some of those previous posts.

Throwback Thursday will NOT replace the new Saturday post each week, of course. In fact, I may use Throwback Thursday to lead in to the week’s post. For example, if the week’s new blog post is about teaching at a particular venue location, I may highlight my previous posts about teaching there.

This week we go back to where (or rather when) it all started: November 15, 2015. My very first blog post and the first in a series of three. Follow the links below to read or re-read those posts.

I had just completed “Crocodylus Smylus,” in time for her introduction in “From Insects to Elephants” at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts.  The twenty-foot saltwater croc was a big hit (pun intended). The subject of the making of the quilt made a great introduction for the blog. The blog in turn helped give the quilt enough attention to garner an invitation to the International Quilt Festival in Houston in 2016.

One of the highlights of the three posts covering the making of “Crocodylus Smylus,” was the time-lapse video Tom put together for me. He set up a camera on tri-pod at the far side of my new studio so I could document the stages of her construction. All I had to do was remember to click the shutter every time I made a bit of progress. I posted the video to Facebook where it received around 60,000 views.

Making a 20-Foot Crocodile Quilt: Part 1 of 3

Making a 20-Foot Crocodile Quilt: Part 2 of 3

Making a 20-Foot Crocodile Quilt: Part 3 of 3

So what do you think of the idea of Throwback Thursday? Is this a welcome addition to your email inbox? Or is it one too many messages? Let me know in the comments below.

Coming Saturday Morning

This week’s blog post will cover my latest quilt retreat in Portland, Maine. This five-day class had twelve students all working on different subject matter. I have lots of in-progress photos to share as well as some scenic shots of the local waterfront.


  • I would love you to continue Throwback Thursday. I look forward to learning and understanding how to make collage quilts.

  • Thank you ever so much for the recapitulation of your previous mails, they are so very much appreciated, I have missed your recent Saturday mails, but I do realise that you have been very busy with your new online lessons, of which I sincerely intend taking part this coming autumn, when I Will be home for a length of time.
    Keep up the good work, and “bon courage ” as we say over here.
    Sandra Tavel

  • Excellent idea and definitely useful to me since I am a new follower. Can’t get too much of this kind of email in my box. 🙂 🙂

  • Yes, please continue “Throwback Thursday “. This is all new information for me, and I can’t get enough!

  • Throwback Thursday a must….never get enough of your wonderful teachings….stories. Coming to Kalispell in June, can’t wait.

  • You can never add too many posts. I look forward to all of your post and enjoy and learn from each, thank you Lily

  • Yay! More Susan and more collaging! Delighted to wake up to you and your amazing crocodile this morning! It will be wonderful to re-visit some of your projects and travels! Grand idea!!!

  • I am totally facinated about ALL your posts. Please continue to inspire us. BTW, what is that backer board you have behind your design wall?
    Mary Anne

  • Too much information, inspiration and education ?????? Now that’s a crazy idea!!! If only my email box was slammed with good stuff like this! Keep it up. It gets me going whenever I need a little mental refreshment.

  • I concur with all the positive reactions posted above…there cannot be too many messages from Susan Carlson. Each opportunity to visit your site, Susan, is an encouragement to me, to explore the possibilities of creative fabric collage.

  • I think throwbacks are wonderful. I remember viewing it before and loved it again this time as well. Keep on keeping on. A fan who smiles each time I walk by my cat started in your class and then went on to win a first place ribbon at Mountain Stars Quilters Guild in Southern Oregon. Peace, Katie Gomez

  • I like the Throwback Thursday. We always miss something or see it originally and it does not click. This helps me catch up. Also enjoy your small tutorial videos. And, did I say, love your work. Thanks for the sharing, however you choose to do it.

  • Always completely in awe of you, really loved taking your class. Love Ms. Stevie, what a treasure

  • Yes, please continue Throwback Thursday! Although I haven’t been following your blogs from the beginning, I think it will be great to revisit old entries.

  • The nice thing about Throwback Thursday is that we get to revisit your favorite/best/most interesting/timely entries.

  • Wonderful idea! I’ve only “discovered “ you and your work in the last six months. Looking forward to more, and more, and. . Etc!

  • I love this as I am new to the blog and this gives me a better overview of the information I haven’t had the opportunity to read.

  • I am so thrilled that I signed up for your Blog and my only regret was that I had “found” you so late, but better late than never! The “Throwback” series will be great. I am a pensioner from South Africa and have recently completed your spiral basic collage. I am very pleased and grateful for the really easy instructions in your Serendipity book which I borrowed from a friend. I am now planning my next project and wish you were here! Unfortunately I cannot afford to subscribe to your Masterclass but will find solace and help via your blogs and YouTube. Have you ever been to South Africa? If not, you have missed the beauty of our land with all our diverse peoples, cultures and incredible environment. We are big into quilting here and I am going to see if it’s possible to invite you to come. Many thanks.

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