On the Road: Schulenberg, TX

On the Road: Schulenberg, TX

April 15, 2016

Thanks to mother-daughter team, Deborah Walters and Kim Buchmann, who have been running Quilting Adventures for five years, for inviting me to be their teacher for a short week at Jordan Ranch in the foothills of the Texas hill country.

Making a Pattern for a Fabric Collage Quilt

Making a Pattern for a Fabric Collage Quilt

April 2, 2016

So you want to make a fabric collage quilt. Great! After choosing an image to work from, the next step in creating a fabric collage quilt is making a simple pattern. This is a critical step, one that even beginning students sense has an enormous influence on the success of their finished product.

Lights, Camera, Quilt!

Lights, Camera, Quilt!

March 26, 2016

I got a small taste of life on set last week when I was invited to tape two segments for Quilting Arts TV. Thanks to the crew at KS Productions, Stevie the croc quilt and I were both ready for our closeups.

Quilt Stories: Farmer’s Market

Quilt Stories: Farmer’s Market

March 19, 2016

Spring is coming on. This fact recently set off a string of associations that led me to recall fondly a quilt I made in 1996.

On the Road: Empty Spools 2016, Part 2

On the Road: Empty Spools 2016, Part 2

March 12, 2016

Another year at Empty Spools is over for me. The second session ended just two days ago. Now I’m home, having traveled about as far across the continental United States as it … Read More

On the Road: Empty Spools 2016, Part 1

On the Road: Empty Spools 2016, Part 1

March 5, 2016

Where I teach varies from year to year. For many seasons now, however, there has been one consistent venue. Sometime between February and April I’ve been in Pacific Grove, California to teach at Empty Spools. … Read More

Quilt Stories: Bugging Out

Quilt Stories: Bugging Out

February 27, 2016

Bugs make excellent subjects for fabric collage. Maybe that’s why I made so many of them over the years and why they are such a favorite with my students.

Quilt Stories: Elements

Quilt Stories: Elements

February 13, 2016

I seem to learn something from every quilt I make. But some quilts are turning points. They mark a change in style, a way thinking, a way of seeing. “Elements” was such a turning point for me.