Using text, photos, and plenty of videos, the Master Class takes you through six steps and one project—explaining the entire fabric collage process in a variety of ways, with multiple examples. We introduced this eWorkshop in March 2018 and it was an immediate hit. I hope all my readers are now aware of our online learning resources, including the Fabric Collage Master Class.
Today, Tom and I are letting you know about some changes that we’ve made to this resource—an extensive update and our decision to make access to the Master Class available through a monthly subscription.
In the years since the introduction of the Fabric Collage Master Class, I’ve thought a lot and written a lot about fabric collage. I’ve also taught many online and in-person classes. While the technique remains largely the same as ever, in that time I have refined how I teach fabric collage and have developed new ways of approaching certain aspects of it.
So I decided it was time for (and maybe overdue for) an update to the Master Class.
Within the framework of the text, photos, and videos that current users will find familiar, I’ve worked to clarify and expand on the ideas expressed in the Master Class. Some of what is new is a simple reorganization of sections and rewriting of instructions that I would also now approach in a different way.
And some of the new content is in the form of excerpts from and links to blog posts we’ve written in the last seven years—mostly How-To’s, sprinkled with inspiration and encouragement. Rather than dump whole blog posts verbatim into the Master Class, we’ve summarized, dropped in new photos, and provided the link for those who wish to read the entire post. These posts were written to expand your understanding of the basics, to deepen and broaden your knowledge of the technique and beauty of fabric collage.
This is the goal of the Fabric Collage Master Class:
to gather all I know about fabric collage into one place.
As I was reviewing blog posts we’d written for possible material to include in this update, I stumbled across posts I’d completely forgotten about! I feel proud and satisfied to now to have this information compiled in a way that is accessible and organized for use by anyone at any stage of their fabric collage journey.
Currently there are 1,280 users of the Fabric Collage Master Class. If you are one, we thank you—know that you will not need to do anything different because of this update. When you log in, the changes we have made will be in place—explore and enjoy. Future updates will happen in the same way, invisibly, with no interruption to access.
Below are examples of amazing work that users have created using the Fabric Collage Master Class—submitted on its One Year Anniversary—imagine the work that’s out there now, another six years later! Click on any image to make it larger; hover over an image to see the artist’s name. For more artwork and their stories, click here to see an impressive show of fabric collage quilts. Another thank you to the artists for sharing with all of us.
If you have used the Fabric Collage Master Class, please share your story by emailing Tom ( with a photo and brief description. I love to hear the stories of those who have discovered or rediscovered their artistic self through fabric collage.
Now Available by Subscription
The Fabric Collage Master Class will always be available to purchase at the its usual price, but now it is also available as a monthly subscription. Be able to access the Master Class for as long (or as short) as you would like. You will be billed each month and can cancel at any time.
Click here for more information about the Fabric Collage Master Class.
Price: $199
Lifetime Access
Suitable for all levels, including beginners
Monthly Subscription
Price: $15/month (plus a one-time $15 registration fee)