My schedule for the rest of this year will be full o’ fabric collage classes—some for an evening here and there, and some for a whole week at a time. I hope you will come along with me via Zoom for any of these live online classes, August through November.

August (it’s not too late to sign up): I will be presenting the second half of an in-progress weekly class, Fascinating Fabric Collage Bugs and Butterflies Follow-Along.

September: I will be continuing Thursday night presentations with the return of my Fly on the Wall: Studio Watch series—creating the second 4-week installment of an African Leopard portrait collaged exclusively with African fabrics.

October: I will be hosting a week-long Live Online Class for fabric collage enthusiasts at any level—an Animals Only class—such as the February 2024 class where Brenda Carter began and finished her Tucson Tom Turkey (which can be seen on computer screen in photo above).

November: I’ll be teaching another week-long Live Online Class for intermediate to advanced students.

Check out the info below and check your calendars to see if you can join us. By the way, Thursday night presentations are always recorded, and video links are sent to all registrants to refer to whenever desired.

Live Online Classes Fall 2024

I made annotations on Judy Bilardello’s lion in our February 2024 All Levels Live Online Class. These mark ups helped Judy further define the values that give her lion form.

Live Online Class ALL LEVELS Animals Only

October 21-25, 2024

Maximum Class Size: 12
Price: $995

This class is for all levels of students and is limited to animals only. Classes are five days long (six hours class time each day). Ownership of the Fabric Collage Master Class ($129) is a prerequisite as this acts as the “textbook” for this class.

Grace Crocker began her 20th fabric collage quilt in our June 2024 Live Online Intermediate/Advanced Class. A mere month or so later, this double portrait is finished! (see photo below)


November 18-22, 2024

Maximum Class Size: 8
8 Students maximum to allow for more time and instruction to delve farther into the fabric collage process
Price: $1,495

To Register: This class is for experienced students at the intermediate or advanced level. You should have a grasp of the fundamentals of fabric collage before starting this class, preferably through taking a prior class with Susan, or having worked through the Master Class or other eWorkshop. Please submit your request to register to Tom ([email protected]) and he will send you the link to register or ask for further information. Thank you.

Grace’s finished quilt of her and her husband Bill based on a photo of one of those staged old-time sepia photos. They dressed up and posed for their 25th wedding anniversary back in the mid 1970’s.

Fabric Collage Live Online Class Menu of Benefits

Tom and I strive to make the live online fabric collage experience special and different in its own way. Both online and in-person classes are great ways of learning that we now have access to—each good for their own reasons and I find it an interesting balance that I enjoy teaching classes both ways.

Mary McKay is a student that continues to attend both in-person and online classes—like I said, they both have their benefits—and she’s worked on this double portrait of her daughter and their family dog in both venues. However, it’s online that I can give detailed annotations (above) on her photos as a “checklist” to work from. In photo below, Mary shared her southern California home studio (and well organized fabric) with us.

Since we’re talking about online classes in this post, in addition to the advantage (and cost savings) of attending from the comfort of your own home—no travel involved and access to your fabric stash—Tom and I have added the following menu of perks.

Through our online classes each student receives:

In pre-class coaching I met with Judy to help simplify her pattern into the larger light/dark value areas for creating her lion collage.

Pre-Class and NEW Follow-Up Coaching

We’ve always had individual (pre-class) coaching sessions live with Susan to get you better prepared for class—and now (due to many requests), we have added group (follow-up) coaching afterwards as well. A “class reunion check-in” of sorts a couple weeks after class has ended, to share progress and help you continue your fabric collage journey.

Daily Class Videos
Pre-recorded videos of daily class demonstrations on the process of fabric collage are yours to keep and review both before and long after our week together has ended.

A Fabric Pack for Fabric Collage
Susan has been curating special 10-fabric collections—mailed to every Live Online student since the week-long classes began in 2021—colorful and helpful designs that may come in handy during the week, or to horde for a later project if not.

Pre-Class Meet and Greet
Meet your classmates in a pre-class Sunday evening social. This meeting also serves to further familiarize everyone with our Zoom classroom format.

Mid-Week After Class Social Hour and Show and Share
On a chosen evening after class, we kick back with beverage and food to relax and get to know our classmates better. Usually everyone sends us extra photos share some of their past work in fabric.

Daily Walkthrough of Student Progress
At the end of each class day we go back and visit the beginning and ending photos of everyone’s subjects—oohing and aahing at the great progress and lessons learned as we worked together.

Thursday Night Zoom Events

As with all Thursday Night events, you will receive a link to the recording of each session. These links will help you catch up if you miss a night and will be yours to review even after the class has ended.

Return of Fly on the Wall: Susan Carlson Studio Watch—African Fabric Leopard

Fly on the Wall: Studio Watch is intended to give viewers an “over-the-shoulder” look at how I approach my own personal fabric collage pieces of art. Please note that this is not a workshop but rather an opportunity to be a “fly on the wall” as I work through the fabric collage process.

For this Fly on the Wall series, I’ll be returning to my in-progress African Fabric Leopard—picking up the pieces (literally) from where I left off a few months ago. Each weekly presentation will begin with a slide show to familiarize you with where I’m at on my subject. I will then continue live as I keep working and explaining my thought process. There are opportunities to ask questions throughout each session.

The African leopard I will continue working on during the next Fly on the Wall sessions—we’ll see what the rest of her starts looking like!

September 12 & 19, and October 10 & 17

Each session will last roughly 1-1/2 hours.
All sessions will be recorded for viewing later if you cannot attend one or more.
Price: $78 for four sessions


Fascinating Fabric Collage Bugs and Butterflies Zoom Follow-Along

The Cicada I am currently collaging during the Fascinating Bugs and Butterflies Follow Along.

It’s not too late to sign up for the Fascinating Fabric Collage Bugs and Butterflies Zoom Follow-Along class. Register now and you’ll receive links to the recordings of the previous two Thursday night sessions and a bonus (extended) time lapse video of the first draft of my cicada project.

In contrast to my Fly on the Wall series, these Follow-Alongs are fabric collage projects that are designed and paced to get you started on your work of art. I pick subject matter that, as Tom says, are gateway drugs into the fabric collage process—versatile and low-stress designs to emphasize the playfulness of this technique.

Each presentation begins with a slide show to get you going or to catch you up with the previous week’s progress on my bug collage and then continue with a live demonstration. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the session. I encourage folks to watch, listen, and ask questions during our time together. Then I give “homework” for those who wish to continue working on their own bug project.

July 18 and 25, and August 8 and 15, 2024—7:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Each session will last roughly 1-1/2 hours.
Price: $78 for four sessions

• Four nights of demonstration and instruction
• Question and answer periods
• Free patterns—of cicada and other bug of choice
• Recordings of all sessions
• Materials list


  • Susan. Your work is beautiful. It gives me goosebumps and sometimes brings me to tears. Please continue your fabulous journey through quilting these art pieces. You make my life and so many other lives so much brighter. Thank you.

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