We hadn’t planned it this way, but my two blog posts this week worked out quite nicely for this Memorial Day Weekend—a time to gather with and remember others—but it also signals the beginning of summertime and all that this season brings. In today’s post, there are quilts and stories that reflect on family and travel, making friends, outdoor activities, and the appreciation of what others do for us.

Enjoy diving into this post, splashing around a bit with some fabric—such as Daphne’s spinning goldfish in “Changing Course” (detail above), and even getting a start on some summer reading with the fish-tales that these collage artists have shared with us. And if you missed the fish and butterflies (plus flying horse) of this week’s Throwback Thursday, click here for more summertime inspiration from fellow fabric collage enthusiasts.

I can’t say it enough—thank you to all of you who follow these posts that Tom and I put together—and a special thank you to those who continually send us images and stories of the collage work you create. Together, we can share our enthusiasm for the art of fabric collage, gratitude and appreciation of what we ourselves can do, and celebration in the accomplishments of others.

If you too have a finished fabric collage quilt and story that you would like to share in a Finish Line post, please click on the submit button below for more info.

Submit Quilt for "Finish Line"

Learning resources referred to in this post include: Serendipity Quilts, my fish patterns, blog (in general),  and the Finish Line (blog category), Zoom Classes, and Fly on the Wall: Susan Carlson Studio Watch.

Click on any of the smaller gallery groupings below to view photos larger.

Daphne U.

“Changing Course” (37 x 27 inches), 2018, by Daphne U.

From Daphne U. of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada:

I had wanted to attend one of Susan’s classes for many years, and finally had the opportunity in summer 2015. It was a bit of a family affair — I, my husband, son and parents-in-law stayed in a nearby rental cottage. They had fun seeing the sights (beaches and more), and I was happy as a clam standing over my fish art, moving bits of fabric around. Then we stayed an extra day or two for more sightseeing, I think. I remember going to a yard sale (with tons of textile and other art items) with Susan and lovely other retreat class members. The whole trip was a much needed break that I thoroughly enjoyed.

I had admired Susan’s swimming fish collages (shown in her book Serendipity Quilts) and wanted a project that would also depict movement and action. The image was based on a purchased stock photo. Since life was hectic, it took me until 2018 to finally finish the collage and put on binding. This quilt is named “Changing Course” as I was making some big work and life changes in that period.

After doing the initial collage I realized that the fish part of this piece collages a lot of narrow fabric bits, rather than relying more on larger fabrics to communicate the shapes. However, I still had tremendous fun at the retreat (where I got the first draft done) and fine-tuning the art once at home.

I’ve started another collage piece, but I have discovered that one of our cats loves to pull out the pins holding the fabric bits down! He undid about a third of the main subject before I wised up and glued down some of the bits.

The retreat/class was a wonderful experience. The art advice was practical, the food was delicious, and it is always so much fun (and so inspiring) to learn such skills among others embarking on a similar challenge. The dinner and ‘quilt show’ evening allowed us to meet Susan’s lovely parents and to learn the meanings behind her beautiful quilts. I am thankful I was able to participate in it all. I also found those pandemic lock-down zoom events a comfort during that strange time. I enjoy getting the weekly blog/email posts, and getting a glimpse into the processes and life experiences behind Susan’s art (as well as the inspiring Finish Line posts).

Lastly, a fun footnote to this experience is that when friends saw this piece, they introduced me to someone else in this city who had attended one of Susan’s retreat. This person quickly became a dear friend. You never know where one action will take you!

Ginny Sommarstrom

From Ginny Sommarstrom of Washington State:

This was from a class with Susan at Quilters Anonymous. My first and only attempt at scrappy applique. I used a sparkly tulle on top that doesn’t show well in the photo. When we moved last summer both our daughter and daughter-in-law wanted this small quilt. Totally shocked me!

A fish-in-progress, 2019, by Ginny Sommarstrom

Pam Munns

“Randy” (42 x 24 inches), 2022, by Pam Munns

From Pam Munns of Atascadero, CA:

I started with Susan’s book and then had the opportunity to take her class at Asilomar (twice) and another time in Morro Bay. Her technique made it possible for everyone to understand and accomplish their goal. I used to be a painter so it was like painting with fabric! Susan’s quilts were truly inspirational and the detailed instructions were easy to follow. I’ve also enjoyed her blog and seeing all the wonderful creations from her students.

My quilt was made for my coworker, Will, who had recently retired from the California Highway Patrol. He was an avid fisherman so I asked him to choose a fish he liked and he chose an Eastern Brook Trout. I called another officer to ask him if this was a real fish with all the colors! He related that not only is the fish real, but when they are “randy”, they get very colorful! This officer didn’t realize he just gave the fish his name: Randy! Will had the quilt framed beautifully (something I’ve never done) and it hangs in his living room. Incredibly, the color of the wall is the perfect compliment to the colors of the quilt!

Tamara Dezellem

“Gone Fishing” (24 x 18 inches), 2019, by Tamara Dezellem

From Tamara Dezellem of Bridgeport WA:

This was my second collage quilt. I used one of Susan’s fish patterns and embellished with sequined mesh and an actual fishing fly tied by my uncle.


Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Fantastical Fish eWorkshop




• All four recordings from the four-week class.
• Extended 10-minute edition of piecing time lapse (see below).
• Over six hours of video instruction.
• Annotated videos with “jump points” to help find the information you need.
• Materials list
• Links to helpful blog posts.
• Free fish pattern of your choice.

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