Since I will be having (virtual) guests in my studio for the next four weeks, I figured I’d better tidy up my work space (at least the parts that could be seen!). Each Thursday this month I will be inviting guests to be a “Fly on the Wall” as I work on my newest fabric collage quilt, “Winfrieda” the polar bear (the beginnings of which are above). The first session in this series is tonight! There’s still time to sign up to attend this live event.
UPDATE: due to popular request, a recording will be made available to registrants a day after each weekly session so that those who may miss a Thursday evening can catch up over the weekend (or later).
See the registration link for the series below—the recording of last week’s Free Introduction to the Fly on the Wall: Susan Carlson Studio Watch follows farther in the post.
October Fly on the Wall Registration
This week’s Throwback Thursday post takes you on a tour of my studio as it was shortly after it was constructed a few years ago. While there haven’t been any major changes since then (except that it has gotten more full of stuff), the studio has taken on a function that we did not foresee when we built it. Along with being a space for me to create in, it has been transformed into a part-time video studio.
Tom and I have done lots and lots of live presentations by now, starting with my Thursday Night in My Studio Live! series back during the early days of the pandemic, continuing on with Live Online Classes (see this November’s class listing below), individual fabric collage coaching, lectures and trunk shows for quilt guilds, and now most recently with the “Fly on the Wall” series.
Here are a few shots of the setup we’ll use to bring you into my studio from wherever you are—Djinni cat included—and yes, that styrofoam packing has become a favorite bed of hers.
Free Introduction to the Fly on the Wall: Susan Carlson Studio Watch Series
Register for the October Fly on the Wall: Susan Carlson Studio Watch
UPDATE: A recording will be made available to registrants the day after each session
so that those who may miss an evening can catch up.
October 6, 13, 20, and 27
Each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time
Special Introductory price for the four-week series: $78
October Fly on the Wall Registration
Throwback Thursday Post
It’s in the Details: My Studio, Updated with (a humorous?) Video
Upcoming Live Online Classes
For a description of our live online fabric collage classes, visit this link.
November 7-11, 2022 (as of 10/10/22, 1 spot remaining)
January 30-February 3, 2023
This class is now full, please contact Tom ( to add your name to waiting list if you are interested.
Fabric Collage Master Class
For instructions on the entire fabric collage process, you can purchase the Susan Carlson Fabric Collage Online Master Class Manual. Using video, photos, and text I take you from soup to nuts, beginning to end in creating your own fabric collage masterpiece.
Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Spiral eWorkshop
Wondering if fabric collage is for you? This eWorkshop is intended for beginners in fabric collage. The spiral project is simple, low stress, but still teaches the basic techniques of fabric collage. It also serves as a handy refresher course for those with more experience.
Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Sea Turtle eWorkshop
Learn fabric collage with Susan Carlson. Each step is clearly written, illustrated with photos, and demonstrated with video. Learn with a Sea Turtle then launch into any fabric collage project you wish.
Serendipity Quilts for Sale
$29.95 plus shipping. Full color throughout. Four complete projects, start to finish, of increasing complexity. Learn fabric collage with this book.