Pets are a popular choice of subject for my Fabric Images class. Dogs are probably the most common, like Barbara Polston’s (above), though there are lots of cats as well. This week’s Throwback Thursday features a passel of pets, each as a unique and lovable as the last.
Consider this post essential reading for this week’s regular Saturday post, when I’ll be talking about fabric collage fur. Fur is similar to hair, of course, which I talked about in this post. But fur has its own set of challenges. For starters, it’s all over their bodies!
So read the blog post below and pay special attention to how each artist dealt with the fur on their fur baby.
Fabric Collage Master Class
For instructions on the entire fabric collage process, you can purchase the Susan Carlson Fabric Collage Online Master Class Manual. Using video, photos, and text I take you from soup to nuts, beginning to end in creating your own fabric collage masterpiece.