Now that the kids in our family are mostly grown up, we’re taking it a little easier with the gift giving. We’re actually doing Secret Santa this year, so everyone’s only responsible for one gift—for the bigger family gathering that is—some of us still like to keep the Christmas morning stockings tradition alive as well. Hand-made gifts have always been valued in our family, and one year I gave garlands, re-purposed from nonfunctioning strings of lights covered with… wait for it… bits of fabric. Of course! Two years ago in December, in the blog post below, I showed how to make them.

If you’re looking for a last minute artsy-craftsy gift to give, here’s an idea.

The Season of Light: A Maker’s Project

Serendipity Quilts for Sale

My book on fabric collage, Serendipity Quiltsis back in stock! The price is $29.95 plus shipping. For a signed copy click the button below. Note: If you want a inscribed copy (as in “To Jane”) I have to be home to do it, so you may want to check my teaching schedule. Otherwise your order may be delayed.


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