Large Scarab Beetles: After doing so many fish and smaller beetles, I wanted to work on a bigger scale. So I cleared my work table and sketched out as big a scarab as my table would allow. The piecing in these quilts is done from scraps of fabric taken from old projects. There is almost no cutting involved. I simply reached into my bag of scraps and pulled out pieces and glued them down according to value and general shape. According to a north African myth, Earth was created by a giant beetle who rolled together a ball of scraps from the makings of the universe.
This (and so much of what you do is absolutely STUNNING and wonderful, WOW you are SO talented!
I’m in a pickle with my art at the moment: drowning in so MANY unfinished projects/paintings plus recently I made lots of coloured and patterned papers for particular collages that aren’t good or interesting enough and I’ve lost interest in, not how I wanted them to be – please can I try to do something (a bit maybe, nowhere near as good as you of course), copy, use your inspiration? I LOVE looking at ants, bugs, beetle, grasshoppers (with alien faces!) in my garden = your idea of beetles is great, I’d like to try with paper. Can I please?
Do you ever drop things half done/don’t know how to finish them – and like me: WRECK them when I try to finish them?
I’m really struggling big-time at the moment.
Congratulations on your BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL work, I salute you.
Best wishes,
Jenny Hughes