Immensely strong for their size, beetles are the Charles Atlases of their domain. This guy just looks like he ought to be holding up a bathing beauty while he kicks sand in some poor guy’s face.
Immensely strong for their size, beetles are the Charles Atlases of their domain. This guy just looks like he ought to be holding up a bathing beauty while he kicks sand in some poor guy’s face.
Susan Carlson – this a fan letter!
Your beetles and butterflies take my breath away…
I grew up in rural Maine in the early ‘50s studiously involved in the lives of all insects, aquatic and terrestrial.
Now I am an art quilter, retired and living a happy somewhat reclusive artist’s life in the Yucatán Peninsula,
Mexico….and your pieces, as seen on your website, inspire me continually.
I finally can live an uninterrupted, self-paced, Studio life. Gracias a Dios!
Your pieces move me at such a visceral level – the magnificence of your insects, your colors, the fabrics themselves.
I thank you!