2016, 63 x 72 inches
2016, 63 x 72 inches

Kaloli is the native Ugandan name for the marabou stork. Also called the undertaker bird in part because they look like they are wearing a black and white suit the kaloli is the only carrion-eating stork. Marabou storks and other scavengers do a great service by cleaning up carcasses and trash that can cause illness in humans and other animals. This theme of using things that are of no use to others inspired me to create this quilt using only the of fabric scraps from the making of other quilts. The marabou stork is considered one of the ugliest creatures in the world. I believe they are just in dire need of a makeover. As often happens in the creation process, my specimens develop a personality of their own. In this piece, “Chloe” exhibits a joyfulness I had not anticipated. I envision her dancing on the savannah, her colorful plumage, head, and wattle transformed into a ballet costume worthy of the Bolshoi.


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