Quilt Stories: Not-So-Goldfish

Quilt Stories: Not-So-Goldfish

May 13, 2017

To create my fabric collage quilts, I work in two similar but distinct ways. Most often, I will hunt for and cut out fabric shapes from larger pieces. This is … Read More

On the Road: Woodland Ridge Retreat 2017

On the Road: Woodland Ridge Retreat 2017

April 15, 2017

I break my teaching into two seasons, Winter/Spring and Fall. Between those seasons lie the Holidays (November-December) and the Summer (July-August) when I either don’t teach at all or only teach … Read More

The Finish Line: The Belgian Connection

The Finish Line: The Belgian Connection

April 8, 2017

In 2012 I received an email from a quilter named Ria Mille who was interested in attending my Maine summer quilt retreat. This wasn’t an unusual occurrence. What caught my eye, besides … Read More

Choosing Fabric for Fabric Collage (Updated with Video)

Choosing Fabric for Fabric Collage (Updated with Video)

March 25, 2017

I received the following comment on my Facebook page the other day:

“Question: Do you use Batiks exclusively or regular cotton fabric as well? Many of these pieces have so much detail in the fabric that I’m guessing you would have to be shopping for fabric all the time in order to find the best fit for your piece.”

This along with my recent experience in my classes, convinced me that I hadn’t given enough guidance on how to choose fabric for fabric collage. It’s doesn’t happen all the time, but too often my students arrive in class without the right fabric for their subject, despite having read my original blog post “Choosing Fabric for Fabric Collage” (see below). Choosing fabric to bring to class continues to be a challenge.