In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we are continuing to share Fabric Collage Finish Line posts—created to celebrate the finished versions of collage quilts that students began in a class. Last week we revisited the first ever Fabric Collage Finish Line post from August 2016. It’s hard to believe there’s now been 110 Finish Lines, containing many hundreds of amazing submissions. Thank you to all who have contributed to these posts and shared your work and creativity with all of us over the years—such as Kaye Martindale and her graceful flamingo quilt, above.
Today we highlight the second post of the Finish Line series, which appeared in September 2016, and demonstrates the vast variety of images that can be created in a fabric collage. I and many of my students are known for bright and colorful animals. In today’s featured quilts you’ll see animals, yes, but also inanimate objects and still life’s. There are no limits to what you and your imagination can create in a fabric collage.
Click on any of the images below to see them larger and to scroll through the preview gallery. The Finish Line: Completed Student Work 2 post link follows below. This collection is awesome not only in scope of subject matter, but also colors, visual textures, and the mixture of textural materials as well.
May you find a few moments of escape and relaxation as you peruse these uplifting works of art.
Do you have a finished fabric collage quilt to share in a future Finish Line post? Click on submission button below—and thank you!
Submit Quilt for "Finish Line"
Tonight, Thursday February 27, 2025, attend the FINAL session of my Fantastical Fabric Collage Fish Zoom Follow-Along—Live! Receive recordings of previous presentations to catch up. See info below.
February 6, 13, 20, 27, 2025 — 7 pm, Eastern Time
Fantastical Fabric Collage Fish Zoom Follow-Along
Price: $78
For more information click here
Fabric Collage Online Master Class—Updated
Now Available as a Monthly Subscription!
The Susan Carlson Fabric Collage Online Master Class Manual is a multi-media resource guide to the process of fabric collage. Using video, photos, text, and links to my blog posts for further relevant reading and information, I take you from beginning to end in creating your own fabric collage masterpiece, following my guidelines in a step-by-step format. Lifetime Access. Suitable for all levels, including beginners.
Read all about the process of creating the Master Class—explanation of its genesis—the whys and hows Tom and I made some of the decisions we did in this post: Online Master Class Now Available: Some Reflections.
Click here for more information about the Fabric Collage Master Class.
Monthly Subscription
Price: $15/month (plus a one-time $15 registration fee)
Price: $199
Lifetime Access
Suitable for all levels, including beginners
Interested in attending a 2025 Fabric Collage class with Susan? Both in-person and online classes are scheduled and open for registration. Click the link below for more information, including dates, fees, and descriptions.
2025 Live Online and In-Person Fabric Collage Classes
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Special Notice: One space has opened in the May 28-June 1, 2025 Woodland Ridge Retreat, Downsville, WI—please click on link above or call Chris at 715.664.8220, for more information!
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Further Susan Carlson Learning Resources include: Facial Features eWorkshop, website, Serendipity Quilts, patterns, blog (in general), YouTube videos, Sea Turtle eWorkshop, Fabric Collage Online Master Class, Patreon. , and our February Fantastical Fish and Summertime’s Fascinating Bugs and Butterfly Work-Alongs
Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Fantastical Fish eWorkshop I
• All four recordings from the four-week class.
• Extended 10-minute edition of piecing time lapse (see below).
• Over six hours of video instruction.
• Annotated videos with “jump points” to help find the information you need.
• Materials list
• Links to helpful blog posts.
• Free fish pattern of your choice.
Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Sea Turtle eWorkshop
Learn fabric collage through a start-to-finish project—from pattern and fabric selection through quilting and binding. Each step is clearly written, illustrated with photos, and further demonstrated with videos. Learn the technique with a Sea Turtle then launch into any fabric collage project you wish. Lifetime access and suitable for all levels, including beginners. Sea Turtle Pattern included
Read all about the Sea Turtle eWorkshop in this blog post: Fabric Collage Sea Turtle eWorkshop Launch.
Facial Features eWorkshop
Designed as a supplement to the Fabric Collage Online Master Class, or for those who have a good understanding of the basics of Fabric Collage. Lifetime Access. Intermediate or advanced levels suggested.
The Facial Features eWorkshop contains 8 videos and over 8 hours of in-depth instruction for creating each feature of a portrait in fabric. The videos are annotated with “Jump Points” allowing you to scan forward and backward to the information you need. Facial features PDF templates are included as reference and basic designs to work along with. Like the Fabric Collage Online Master Class, membership in this eWorkshop is for life.
Book: Serendipity Quilts—Cutting Loose Fabric Collage
Full color throughout. Five projects of increasing complexity, four patterns to enlarge are included.
These books will be signed by Susan and can be inscribed to a particular person.