If you’ve ever considered giving yourself the gift of a week-long fabric collage class experience with me—and are not scared off by staying cozy in your home, not traveling anywhere, and keeping your fabric stash close by—do we have a special offer for you—a $100 discount (which gives you the opportunity to add more fabric to that stash!).

January 20-24, 2025
Susan Carlson 5-Day Live Online Class—All Levels, Animals Only

Price WAS: $995

NOW: $895



Take advantage of this special offer only for January’s “Cozy” Live Online Fabric Collage Class

For a complete listing of all my 2025 classes,
both in-person and online, click the link below:

2025 Live Online and In-Person Fabric Collage Classes

Raves from Previous Online Students!

I have really come to prefer online classes to hauling all my stuff to an expensive location, only to find that I brought the wrong fabric and forgot some tool I really needed. I love being at home, with my stash and my dogs. The truth is, also, that I really just can’t afford to pay what it costs for room and board and classes in many of the locations where they occur. The online classes give me an opportunity to take these classes more economically. —Kathy H.

This was the most intense, individualized and successful learning experience for collage quilters I have ever taken, bar none. —Jean M.

Susan and Tom have a system in place that melds technology and artwork nearly flawlessly. They are quite a team! Each individual session with Susan is designed so that she can annotate directly on a photo of your work as she describes what she sees as next steps or helps trouble shoot whatever needs attention. I record each session and use it as a reference as I progress.There is so much valuable information! —Judy B.

I liked that we got individual time with Susan and also time to hear feedback she gave to other students.  I loved that I could be home and have my fabric at hand and be able to let the dogs out, etc.  It was perfect honestly. —Liz C.

Susan has a technique, but is open to each person creating in her/his own style, making the class much more creative and interesting. In addition, as an instructor Susan has a unique eye and way of sharing what she sees that caused me to look at my photograph, fabric, and piece in totally different ways. —Susan S.

Susan also has a very gentle approach and is always encouraging. She is able to understand everyones thinking process and artistic style which helps when she is trying to indicate what needs worked on. I would highly recommend Susan’s class! —Diana B.

I have taken numerous in-person classes (none with Susan) and attended sessions at both Asilomar and Alegre. The ability to stay in my own home and have access to my own stash are added benefits. Let’s face it, I’m 87 years old and travel is not as fun as it used to be! Susan and Tom are a well oiled machine. They have spent countless hours perfecting the on-line class procedure. I loved it. Many thanks to you both! —Grace C.

As a novice quilter, Art quilting quickly caught my attention and I’ve loved experimenting. The past 18 months I’ve been on a journey to really understand value and use it effectively in my work. Working with Susan was exactly what I needed at this point to significantly uptick my skill and confidence. Her ability to hone in on what’s needed and provide positive, actionable feedback via the annotation tool is remarkable. Maybe most significant is the photo and video records I have from the online class, ready for review as needed. —Joan M.

For my Live Online Classes, my husband Tom Allen, works with me throughout each day (though separate rooms and computers) as he facilitates my ability to circulate from one person to the next, looking at and discussing their progress through photos sent to Tom, for me to then view and annotate in each consultation. 2025 will be the fifth year we’ve been offering these five (consecutive) day classes and, we’ve been told, we’re pretty darn good at it.

Meeting with Brenda, as she works online on “Tucson Tom,” a fabric collage of a rogue turkey she photographed patrolling the parking lot at our January 2024 class in Arizona.

Please note: Pre-requisite of any 5-day class: ownership of Susan Carlson’s Online Master Class—a reference manual for the beginning-to-end fabric collage technique. Especially useful with both pre-class and post-class information. Student discount of $30 off full price of $199. Ownership is “forever,” any and all updates included. Please contact Susan’s husband Tom at tom@tomallenbooks.com if you have questions, and to get your discount code.

What is Included in a Five-Day Live Online Class:

In pre-class coaching I met with Judy to help simplify her pattern into the larger light/dark value areas for creating her lion collage.

Tom and I strive to make the Live Online Fabric Collage experience special and different in its own way. In addition to the advantage (and cost savings) of attending from the comfort of your own home—no travel involved and access to your fabric stash—we’ve added the following menu of perks.

Through our online classes each student receives:

Pre-Class Coaching
Individual coaching sessions live with Susan to get you better prepared for class and to familiarize you with the Zoom platform.

Daily Class Videos
Pre-recorded videos of daily class demonstrations on the process of fabric collage are yours to keep and review both before and long after our week together has ended.

One-on-One Feedback
The bulk of the day is taken up with one-on-one feedback. I use Zoom to annotate photos that you send to Tom throughout the day.

A Fabric Pack for Fabric Collage
I have been curating special 10-fabric collections—mailed to every Live Online student since the week-long classes began in 2021—colorful and helpful designs that may come in handy during the week, or to horde for a later project if not.

Pre-Class Meet and Greet
Meet your classmates in a pre-class Sunday evening social. This meeting also serves to further familiarize everyone with our Zoom classroom format.

Mid-Week After Class Social Hour and Show and Share
On a chosen evening after class, we kick back with beverage and food to relax and get to know our classmates better. Usually everyone sends us extra photos to share some of their past work in fabric.

Daily Walkthrough of Student Progress
At the end of each class day we go back and visit the beginning and ending photos of everyone’s subjects—oohing and aahing at the great progress and lessons learned as we worked together.

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