Are you a member of a quilt guild? If you are then sometime in the past year you probably had the opportunity to attend an online lecture presented by your guild. While I take the summer to spend time in my studio (as well as those distracting summertime in Maine things), I’ll be filling a couple days with virtual lectures. Of course, there’s no substitute for seeing quilts in person, but one of the advantages of presenting my lecture online from home is that I get to share more quilts, including a quilt that rarely travels: Stevie (aka (“Crocodylus Smylus”), my 20-foot salt-water crocodile quilt.
Follow the link to this week’s TBT below for a description of a lecture and trunk show I gave for the Lodi Valley Quilt Guild back in December of 2020.
If you are interested in having me drop in remotely to a guild meeting for your group, contact Tom ( for more information.
Not On the Road: Lodi Valley Quilt Guild Virtual Fabric Collage Lecture
Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Spiral eWorkshop
Wondering if fabric collage is for you? This eWorkshop is intended for beginners in fabric collage. The spiral project is simple, low stress, but still teaches the basic techniques of fabric collage. It also serves as a handy refresher course for those with more experience.
Susan Carlson Fabric Collage: Sea Turtle eWorkshop
Learn fabric collage with Susan Carlson. Each step is clearly written, illustrated with photos, and demonstrated with video. Learn with a Sea Turtle then launch into any fabric collage project you wish.
Fabric Collage Master Class
For instructions on the entire fabric collage process, you can purchase the Susan Carlson Fabric Collage Online Master Class Manual. Using video, photos, and text I take you from soup to nuts, beginning to end in creating your own fabric collage masterpiece.
Serendipity Quilts for Sale
$29.95 plus shipping. Full color throughout. Four complete projects, start to finish, of increasing complexity. Learn fabric collage with this book.