Change is inevitable—and it ain’t easy. When my old website started malfunctioning, and when more and more people started accessing the internet through mobile devices, for which you needed a microscope to view my site, I knew it was time for an update.
Fortunately, I have an in-house web guy. Unfortunately, the technology has changed—a lot—since we last created a website. So when you received an extra blog post (or two) (okay, three) this past Saturday, especially a draft of a future blog post that was particularly short and lacking photos, it was a symptom of the high learning curve of the new software. In other words, a mistake. For new blog subscribers, let me assure you that typically it’s once a week.
However, I’m now again breaking the one-post-per-week rule in order to let you know that after a struggle (where I often had to leave the room when my husband cursed yet again at the computer), the new website is up and running. It is friendly for your smart phones and tablets. It features instant downloads of patterns for sale. And it combines the blog into the website under one URL:
Don’t worry, all the old blog posts have been carried over. You’ll be able to find them using the search feature.
The new website will allow me to do interesting and helpful things that I couldn’t do before. One exciting new development will be the production of video tutorials to accompany your favorite technique-focused blogs: “Why Glue?” and “Why Color is Irrelevant” and “Making a Pattern for a Fabric Collage Quilt” will eventually be updated with video that will demonstrate and expand upon the ideas and techniques presented in the blog posts.
It’s time to finish packing for the International Quilt Festival in Houston to greet viewers of my “Specimens” exhibit. Hope to see you there. If I don’t, you will be able to follow the progress of the show through my Facebook page or in my usual Saturday morning post. Unless technology has something else to say about that.
By the way, I will be at Festival for the Wednesday evening opening festivities through Saturday. I will not be in attendance on Sunday due to teaching at Art Quilt Tahoe the next day.
P.S, While we have made every effort to make the website perfect, we know it won’t be at least not yet. So if you spot something wrong a broken link, a feature that doesn’t work, or even just a typo don’t hesitate to contact me using the About>Contact menu.
How can I buy your book Serendipity? Thanks!! I love your work. I live in Texas but far from Houston!
Lenore, I got mine through Amazon Prime. I live on an island and don’t get off to go shopping much. But I wanted Susan’s book really fast. And it’s a great reference book. She is amazing and easy to understand in her instruction. Have several subjects I want to try and the book is a great tool to getting started. Good luck, I know you’ll enjoy it.
Technology! Love it when it cooperates. Totally understand the “language” issue too but it’s generally me doing the cursing! You are lucky to have an in-house tech. We paid for son’s computer science degree – but have to use tech support. Looking forward to your class at the WI Quilt Museum!
Yahoo, congrats!
Your work is fascinating & mesmerizing! I will be looking at your teaching schedule, & hope to meet & work with you in the future. Wishing you best of luck & lots of fun at the Festival!
Absolutely love to go to your posts…so inspiring I look forward to meeting you as will be at workshop in Kalispell.
Yeah, new website looks awesome! So looking forward to enjoying your creations and creativity!!
Need info on classes and lecture for 2018
Kristen. I should post a note that the schedule only runs until then end of 2017. I will be scheduling classes for 2018 at the beginning of the new year. Thanks.