Peace, Love, Tie-Dye, Save the Whales

2012, 36 x 53 inches

Thanks to the judges at the AQS Des Moines show for selecting this piece as the Best Wall Quilt in 2012. “Peace, Love, Tie-Dye, Save the Whales” is an homage to both the Beatles and Warhol. My son Sam poses as John Lennon in a treatment a la the pop iconography master. The title refers to a goodbye we share, often silently using our own private sign language.

Each portrait uses fabrics that reflect the theme of that quadrant. Peace (top left) uses peace signs and even the word itself among the peaceful greens. Love (top right) uses hearts and a variety of reds. Tie-Dye uses tie-dyed fabric. Save the Whales employs sea mammals in blue.