Samuelsaurus Rex

2001, 48 x 40 inches

To me, this quilt represents childhood, a time of life that can seem to last forever and then is gone in the blink of an eye. It's a portrait of my then three-year old son, Sam, being a Tyrannosaurus Rex, in that lovely time of life when pretend is so important. I created this quilt at a time in my own life when I needed a creative spark. I choose Sam in all his youthful freedom as my subject, and created the collage exclusively with fabric scraps, mostly as I found them, jagged, curved, the odder the better. Serendipity was the key and color was not an issue, rather value was, the lightness or darkness and contrast of the image. What I discovered was a more impressionistic way of working, just what my more realistic self needed. This quilt eventually led to my second book, "Serendipity Quilts". As I was selecting quilts for this particular show, I decided to include "Samuelsaurus Rex" as a specimen of the carefree abandon of childhood and how we as adults can take it as an example and cut loose in our own lives, in our own creativity.